Facebook and Karma

Good afternoon, My Dear Diary.

I would like to speak about a topic that might seem strange from one point of view but is extremely important from another. I want to discuss the impact of social networks on human’s KARMA. Generally, KARMA is the universal principle of cause and effect. People that believe in KARMA think that our current actions come back to us in the future. I’m deliberately leaving the religious aspect of KARMA out and want to concentrate on its psychological aspect. First of all let’s define in a nutshell what KARMA means in terms of social life. It can be briefly said that when we do something (and it really doesn't matter what exactly we do) we actually create an action that is automatically transferred to a cause for our next circumstances. We affect the future by our current actions. And it makes sense – everybody knows it and behaves accordingly. Pension programs, bank saving accounts and university studying… we are doing things here and now in order to see effect in the future. Most of people know exactly how to control their behavior, plan activities and act in society. But it’s much harder to control our thoughts and emotions. The problem is that from the side of KARMA mental activity also plays a huge role in principle of cause and effect. Actually there is no big difference between real event and imagination activities. The KARMA waves are born on a surface of consciousness when an action – a stone is falling into the water of our mind. And it immediately creates the next circumstance. So when we just think about something – even without performing a real action – we affect our future by creating new KARMA. Emotional level, secret desires, inner thoughts – all of those build KARMA and create our own mental jail inside the mind. Thoughts change our behavior; hidden reactions force us to act by a certain way; mental activity actually changes the way we see ourselves, and we cannot control it at all since in most of the cases all of these processes are subconscious.

Now let’s just think what happens when we use the social networks. There is a whole world that is apparently showing up on the screen of our computer. We suddenly are swept away by other people, we exchange our thoughts and emotions and affect them back by the same way. We read stories, count “likes” and write statuses, we tell to everybody what we are doing – without being asked and we check what other people are doing – without directly asking for that information. During such activity we can create so much KARMA that we could not thing about it in the real world and actually we are renovating our mental jail - making it stronger, better and more invisible. Every hour that was spent in a social network we are nullifying our chance for escape... Well, I guess that everybody has seen "The Matrix" movie. If somebody really wanted to use human energy for their own needs - it wouldn't have been very hard at all. They just could have used Facebook for that purpose. Maybe it has already happened? 

My Dear Diary, just think about it.

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